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Education is the Key to Skilled Labor
Where 6 Universities and 2 Research Foundations
Call Chennai Home.

Worm gear and shaft photgraph
Students studying  computer applications at the Vignan Degree College in Chennai

A vast number of factors have contributed to Chennai's economic success, and skilled labor and post-secondary education are major contributors.  Calling Chennai home are:

In addition two advanced research institutions are based in Chennai and include:

With advanced technical training it is no surprise that Chennai is responsible for 14% of India’s software and technology exports as well as being home for technology companies such as:


Seasoned and highly-trained personnel are several of the assets that provides  Mercury with a global competitive advantage in the manufacture of precision turned components for the automotive industry.

top photo: courtesy of Joe Ravi, cc-by-sa 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons at:
photo left: courtesy of Arjuna Rao Chavala, GNU Free Doc. Lic.vis Wikimedia Commons at:
Education in Chennai, India content edited from Wikipedia.

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